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GovTemps USA
Hiring Many Locations

Job Posting Criteria


CEOSI is an organization of over 70 members primarily representing local government Building, Planning, Zoning, Code and Fire professionals and those involved in building construction, testing, research and design. Our members communities span from are as far north as Charleston to as far south as Carbondale. Job openings in one of the aforementioned career fields can be posted on our website at you request. The job will be posted through the application deadline date unless specified otherwise. If a deadline is not provided the job will be posted for 30 days. Please send an email to with your criteria for the position. The following information should be provided as an attachment (PDF, Microsoft Word document or text file preferred) or as text within the email:


•Name of Company

•Mailing Address, City, State & Zip

•Contact Name

•E-mail Address

•Phone Number(s)

•Job Title

•Wage/Salary Range


•Explain how applicant should apply for the position 

•Job Description

•Application Deadline 

•Additional Notes or Comments 

Click Here to Send Job Posting


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